As a director you are responsible for producing your piece that means casting, running rehearsals, sourcing props, costumes and set. You are the one who’s vision of the work is the focus and the driving force!

To apply to be a director, read all of the information below and then fill out our contact form. Making sure to include the sentence: "I have read and agreed to the Director's Criteria" in the body of the form so we know you understand the criteria.

Required Dates

Casting Calls fpr 10MPF #19
April 29th, 2017 at The Clinton Street Theater
Time slot #1: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Time slot #2: 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Doors lock for entry at each of the start-times, so Actors: show up 15 minutes early.
Actors may attend only one time slot. Directors show up at 10:30am

Dress Rehearsal
At The Clinton Street Theater
June 4th, 2017 10:00am - 6:00pm
Actors and directors must be able to be on time and make the entire dress rehearsal in order to provide an audience to other groups and to support each other.
Directors show up at 10am

At The Clinton Street Theater
June 9th 10th 16th 17th
All four nights: 5pm-10pm
Actors and directors must be able to be at the theater on time at 5pm on all four nights.

Rehearsal Requirements
2 rehearsals per week up until dress (8 minimum before dress)
1 rehearsal between dress and opening night
1 rehearsal between performance weekends
10 minimum rehearsals total
Rehearsal schedules made collaboratively within each play group


Directors can cast roles before or outside the casting call. Directors who need to cast roles must be able to make both of the full Casting Call time-slots so you can see all the actors.
Directors must show up early at 10:30am

All directors, whether you are casting your roles at casting calls or not, you must be able to go to one of the producer's houses within six blocks of the Clinton Street Theater after auditions. In this time we will have our director's meeting.

Directors agree to cast actors that can meet the rehearsal requirements and be on time and make the entire dress rehearsal and all four of the performance dates.

Choose wisely, and be very up front to your actors about the dates, times, expectations and what you are looking for in an actor. It is much better to be up-front about this and to make sure that everyone who wants to do this is able to. Figure this out early on and it will save everyone headaches later!


Two rehearsals per week up until dress (8 minimum), plus one between dress and opening weekend, and one between performance weekends - ten rehearsals minimum total.

No intoxicants before/during rehearsals

Actors must be off-book by the third rehearsal

In addition to the rehearsal requirements, it is required that your group gets into the Clinton Street Theater for a minimum of 2 rehearsals. Directors must pick actors whose schedules will allow them to get into the theater and match with the theater's open times.

Directors agree to timely communication with producers, stage and tech crew. For instance but not limited to: coordinating CST rehearsal times, providing weekly rehearsal schedules for producers to stop by, letting producers know how things are going, providing scripts with light and sound cues and providing playbill info. Each query will have a deadline and they are expected to be met.

Each writer/director/actor needs to be OK with a producer of the play fest to sit in on at least 2 rehearsals and to provide feedback. If the producers decide your play is in need of more feedback, there could be more sit-ins (however, this rarely ever happens).

An outside eye can help you attain your vision and also can see things that people directly involved can't notice as easily. Outside feedback and collaboration is essential to the spirit of Monkey. All directors are receptive to in-rehearsal constructive feedback, because it strengthens the plays and the playfest as a whole. Also, it makes this experience more of a “we” vs. an “I.” We are Monkeys!

Dress and Performence Criteria

Directors agree to be at Dress Rehearsal at 10am with all of their props and set pieces. This way they can meet with the stage manager, lights and sound and get all logistics in place before the actors arrive.

Directors must be at all four performance nights.

Directors will not record, or allow their actors to record, and publicly share (social media, website, etc.) the live performances at the Clinton Street Theater.

If an actor backs out, the directors are responsible for finding a replacement. If a director can’t find a replacement then the director will step in as the actor (this has never had to happen before). So again, be up-front about the commitments and choose wisely.

You are responsible for the conduct of your actors at dress and performances. For instance, our no-intoxication policy before/during rehearsals and performances.

Did you make it this far?

Nice, that's a great start. Now, lets workshop some plays, have some fun and bring some more positive energy into this world!